Monday, February 23, 2009

Just another manic Monday

Consider yourself warned--do not come to my house, invite me or my kids to your home, or even shake hands with us. Get it Nancy? NO HUGS!! :) I have one kid home sick and one I'm going to go pick up from school early. The two youngest occasionally complain that their tummies hurt, but I suspect that has to do more with not eating something they don't want to eat than this nasty "gasarrhea" bug we have acquired.

b.t.w. "crap happy" (see my Inaugural Post) and "gasarrhea" are fun little words that Patia has made up along the way. Cute, huh? She's a wordsmith like her mama!

So, aside from illness, what makes this day qualify as "manic"?? Well, first it is Monday and for no other reason than that, this will be my theme every Monday. Monday's are just like that. Would you agree? Just getting back to the early, early routine of a school day is always rough! But, I am getting better at doing simple things to make my mornings easier like, laying out the little girls' clothes the night before. I know that isn't rocket science, but just a habit I have never fully developed, but it really helps! Levi does this every night with out fail. My only battle with him is convincing him he cannot actually sleep in the clothes he wants to wear the next day. . . boys. . .

Good news--my grocery shopping/"hunting" for the week is done and I think I came in right at budget. (more on this later!) Bad news--we had to touch grocery carts. Have your kids ever actually leaned down and licked the cart? P.t.L. my kids are over that. I can stop spraying hand sanitizer in their mouths now! Anyway, thanks to our venture out, I'm sure I will have some new ailment to cover later this week!

Okay, just to recap:
1)It's Monday. 2) Gasarrhea x 2 3)Grocery shopping

Stay tuned for tomorrow's intriguing theme. . .

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