Sunday, February 2, 2014

Because I Have To

I love YOU. That's right. YOU. Whoever you are. My child, husband, parent or sibling. My neighbor, business associate, former college roommate, high school acquaintance or Facebook friend. I really do LOVE you. Why? Why do I feel so strongly about YOU? 
Because I have to. I am commanded to.
Because first, I was shown a love I didn't deserve. Because I have been saved by this love, I'm obligated to love others and show that love. This isn't an easy kind of love. It is the kind of love that is a choice. I choose LOVE.

You disappointed me. 
I LOVE you.
You stole from me. 
I LOVE you.
You hurt my feelings. 
I LOVE you.
You used me. 
I LOVE you.
You were mean to my child. 
I LOVE you.
You took my parking place, cut me off, drove to slow in front of me, and then YOU flipped me off*. I LOVE you.

But WHY? Not because it is easy or even because I really WANT to. Because God told me to and Jesus showed me how. FIRST, He showed me. Even while I was doing all those things I listed above to YOU, He was loving and DYING for little ol' sinful me. 
I LOVE YOU. I thought it was time I told you.

*I love you because I know you really had to poop. (sorry...slightly distasteful, inside joke. Thanks, CD for that sure fire way to bring love to an angry situation.)