Monday, April 9, 2012

An Open Invitation

If you know me, you know that although I am a fan of the written word, I seldom take the time to read anymore. I'd love to tell you I read my Bible daily, but I don't. I'd love to tell you I even read a devotional daily, but I don't. I will read in preparation for our small group Bible study or if I'm participating in a women's book study, but if I'm being honest, that is about all I'm willing to do right now. I'd blame it on the hectic nature of my everyday life, but since I'm being honest, I'll  just chalk it up to willingness to put other things aside and misplaced priorities.  Having said all that, the impetus for this post was a book I just finished reading, The Grace of God, by Andy Stanley.   Like you, I have a to-do list for today, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. As I finished up this book today, I prayed that what I had just read would really sink into my heart. is such a tricky subject, or is it? The answer is actually, no, it is not. But we, churchy people, make it so tricky sometimes. We are supposed to get it and share it with non-churchy people, but we don't. We don't get it and we don't share it. In my case, I don't even share it with my own children sometimes. Example: I implied that because they didn't want to come to church this past Friday night, Good Friday, to reflect and contemplate on the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for us, that I was for sure disappointed and there was a chance that Jesus might be disappointed in them too. "And, by the way, don't be surprised if you don't get an Easter basket as a result." As I confess this to you, reader, please know that I am fully aware of the absurdity of it all.
   What I didn't offer too them, I want to share with you. God's grace is for ALL of us. Me, you, my children (even the teenage ones), my siblings, my parents, that unfriendly cashier...ALL OF US. Grace is so simple. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. That's it. You receive grace when you acknowledge what Christ did for us. All of us. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 He didn't clean us up, put some fancy clothes on us, wash out our mouths with soap AND THEN die for us, He did it "while we were still sinners."
   Some of you are reading this and still thinking, "maybe for you, but not for me. Church would catch fire if I showed up." But that just isn't true. Besides, I'm not even talking about CHURCH. I'm talking about GRACE. Two entirely different topics for sure! MY church might not be for you (sorry, church), but grace is. Grace is for you even if you have ever:
  • Lied. Lied to your parents, your spouse, your boss, your children, yourself...
  • Cheated. Cheated on a test, on your spouse, on a diet...
  • Stolen. Stolen from your family, your friends, your place of employment...
  • Abused. Abused drugs, abused your spouse, your children, yourself...
Clearly, this list isn't complete. We do most of this stuff (and more) in one form or another on a daily basis. But, none-the-less, God offers His GRACE to those who are willing to accept it.
Are you?
Because if you'd like to and haven't, I'd be happy to share more of what I know (which isn't much, so it won't take long). And please don't hesitate to contact me because you are afraid I'll try to rope you into coming to my church.  I will certainly extend that invitation, BUT, this isn't about an invitation to church.  It is about an invitation to CHRIST. It is about an invitation to GRACE. When you know what His grace is, I can't imagine not accepting the invitation.
You're invited:
Date: Today, whatever day today happens to be
Time: Any time, day or night
Place: YOUR heart
RSVP: You may contact God directly in prayer or if you'd like to ask me a few more questions first, email will work.
Directions: I'm horrible at directions, so you better go here for the most accurate advice.

  If you just need a jumping off point, consider starting with Luke 15 which has some simple (don't complicate them with a lot of thought) parables about how God feels about the lost (that's us). Before you get caught up in your busy day of check lists, make a choice to add "accept God's free gift of grace" to your to-do list. If you've already accepted this gift, I'll ask you to do two things: 1. SHARE it with someone else. 2. When you're beating yourself up over lying to kids about a big, fake bunny or cheating on your diet...extend yourself a little GRACE.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

3/26/13 Update: Not that I've "earned" any more Grace than before, but I am pleased to say that I have taken up the practice of reading through the New Testament (using a reading plan from  with my girls each night before bed. When we miss a night, we don't feel bad, we just make it up. We know God will honor our efforts over the year. Time VERY well spent!


  1. Very well said my friend!! I love it!!!!!

  2. I didn't even know this existed, I love it!
